








2005.9-2009.7 南京郵電大學工商管理管理學學士

2009.9-2012.4 南京郵電大學管理科學與工程管理學碩士

2012.9-2016.6 河海大學管理科學與工程管理學博士

2014.9-2015.8 加拿大麥吉爾大學運籌管理國家公派聯合培養博士




1. 主持人,國家自然科學基金面上項目,面向産業安全的産業創新生态系統韌性内涵、評價與優化策略研究(項目編号:72171122

2. 主持人,國家自然科學基金青年項目,跨界知識重混下企業颠覆性綠色創新績效評價與提升策略研究(項目編号:71801133


1.         Yu, Y., Ma D, Zhu W.(2023). Resilience assessment of international cobalt trade network. Resources Policy, 83: 103636

2.         Yu, Y., Ma D, Gan G .(2023). Context-dependent Data-Envelopment-Analysis-Based Efficiency Evaluation of Coastal Ports in China Based on Social Network Analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 31(2): 94-106.

3.         Yu, Y., Chen, K., Liao, J. et al. (2023). Detecting the research trends and evolution of energy resilience: a bibliometric analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 21797–21814

4.         Yu, Y., Khezrimotlagh, D. (2023). Embedding Best-Worst Method into Data Envelopment Analysis. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. (online)

5.         Yu, Y., Zhang, C., Zhu, W., Park, S., & Shi, Q. (2021). Identifying the driving factors of water consumption from water-energy-food nexus in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 48638–48655

6.         Yu, Y., Zhou, X., Zhu, W., & Shi, Q. (2021). Socioeconomic driving factors of PM2.5 emission in Jing-Jin-Ji region, China: a generalized Divisia index approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(13), 15995–16013.

7.         Yu, Y., Zhu, W., Shi, Q., & Zhuang, S. (2021). Common set of weights in data envelopment analysis under prospect theory. Expert Systems, 38(1), 1–10.

8.         Yu, Y., Zhu, W., & Zhang, Q. (2019). DEA cross-efficiency evaluation and ranking method based on interval data. Annals of Operations Research, 278(1–2), 159–175.

9.         Yu, Y., Zhu, W., Shi, Q., & Zhang, Q. (2016). Network-like DEA approach for environmental assessment: Evidence from U.S. manufacturing sectors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 277–286.

10.     Yu, Y., Wang, D. D., Li, S., & Shi, Q. (2016). Assessment of U.S. firm-level climate change performance and strategy. Energy Policy, 92, 432–443.

11.     Yu, Y., & Shi, Q. (2014). Two-stage DEA model with additional input in the second stage and part of intermediate products as final output. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(15), 6570–6574.

12.     Yu, Y., Shi, Q. F., & Song, J. (2013). A note on some alternative DEA models for two-stage process. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10), 4268–4269.

13.     于娛,馬代鵬,王賢梅.國際鐵礦資源全産業鍊産品的貿易網絡韌性[J].資源科學,2022,44(10):2006-2021.

14.     于娛,朱衛未,施琴芬. 含有偏好的DEA-BWM評價方法研究[J].運籌與管理,2022,9:147-152+168.

15.     于娛,施琴芬,朱衛未. 高校科研團隊内部隐性知識共享績效實證研究[J]. 科學學與科學技術管理,2013,10:21-30.

16.     于娛,施琴芬,朱衛未. 我國高校知識價值增值效率研究——基于數據包絡模型分析[J]. 科技進步與對策,2012,15:131-135.

17.     于娛,施琴芬. 有限理性視角下組織間隐性知識共享博弈研究[J]. 情報雜志,2011,11:110-114+86.

18.     于娛,施琴芬,朱衛未. 學習型組織中隐性知識共享仿真研究[J]. 情報理論與實踐,2011,11:67-71.





1. Yu, Y., Chen, Y. Shi, Q. Strategy and Performance of Knowledge Flow: University-Industry Collaborative Innovation in China[M]. Springer,2018

2. Joe Zhu,于娛,朱衛未,David Sherman. 績效與審計評估方法及應用[M]. 科學出版社,2018.

3. 朱衛未,王娟,于娛. 高質量發展綜合評價與實現路徑研究[M]. 人民出版社,2022.
